students engaged in learning

Carmel Primary School is a beautiful and vibrant campus. The grounds include several age-specific play spaces, a library resource centre, sports oval, nature-play area, eco-centre and garden plus dynamic purpose-built teaching rooms that encourage young people to collaborate, experiment and participate in investigative learning.

Our Primary School prides itself on its strategic, eclectic approach to Growing Greatness in every child – one individual at a time. We understand each and every one of our students, and how to ensure their best pathway for growth. Importantly, at Carmel the voice of the child is a priority throughout their learning.

We believe that inside each student is their unique brand of leader. Throughout the Primary School years, our students are skilled in the practices of Stephen Covey’s, The Leader in Me – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Program. This program empowers students to be the most effective, ‘response-able’ people they can be, as they learn to understand themselves and then those around them, while also developing collaboration and problem-solving skills.

The strong sense of love and belonging that students gain through the dynamic, engaging Jewish Studies program forms the perfect foundation on which to grow our students; they are secure in their knowledge of who they are and where they belong. Our Primary School also comprehensively prepares students for the journey into High School by teaching them to manage time and expectations effectively and productively.

The demands of modern education are met by ensuring interpersonal skill development, thinking skills development and the integration of technology. The Primary School curriculum reflects the National Goals of Schooling in Australia, incorporating the eight key learning areas of the Curriculum Framework: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Physical & Health Education, the Arts, Enterprise & Technology and LOTE (languages other than English).

Carmel Primary School is a learning environment that honours John Hattie's Visible Learning approach. Learning is made visible to the students, making them assessment-capable. Students are able to understand learning with the insight of the teacher, and the teachers are able to view learning through the eyes of the students. The feedback and interaction with students is intentional and aims to validate the student; they remain enthused and engaged and progress, moving along their developmental continuum.

Well equipped with state-of-the-art technology, information communication technology is integrated purposefully within each learning area. Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, desktop computers and mobile devices suited to the age and learning stage of the child. At all times careful consideration is given to cyber-safety, online health and well-being and interpersonal etiquette. The Primary School’s state-of-the-art computing centre further develops the movement of students from being IT active to IT savvy. Technology is used to enhance the teaching of literacy and numeracy in a way that ensures technical literacy but never stifles creativity.

We also understand that children have a variety of interests and passions. Please click here to view the Clubs offered for 2024 - please note that these are subject to change and should be used as a guide.

For specific course details or information on the learning environment at our Primary School and ELC, please contact us at