In January 2018, Jewish Studies teacher, Debbie Posner was part of JNF Australia’s first ever Educator’s Tour to Israel. Ever since attending the tour, Debbie committed to a Tzedakah project for JNF and enlisted all her students and their parents to partake in “making the desert bloom”.

At the end of each year, Nikki Leib, JNF’s Donor Relation’s Manager, is invited to the school to receive the Blue Box collection from Morah Posner. A few weeks ago, Mrs. Leib joined the Year 6 class to receive a JNF donation of $310. Before the money was handed over, Morah Posner spoke to the Year 6 Torah class about her connection to JNF.

“Before I went on the JNF Educator’s Tour to Israel, I thought I knew a lot about the organisation. I have been giving to the JNF Blue Box since I was a little girl. It was only when I went on the tour that I realised how JNF is so much more than planting trees and water conservation. They are part of so much in Israel. Besides helping to develop communities, they are doing incredible work in the areas of research and development, even looking into a cure for Motor Neuron Disease. Most of the things that you think Israel does, JNF is part of it”.

Debbie Posner went on to say, “When I got back to Perth after the tour, I was asked to give several talks about my experience. I even spoke in Melbourne. I entitled my talk, ‘JNF – making the words of Nevi’im (Prophets) come true’.  After 2000 years the Jewish people returned to their land and Hashem must have looked down after giving us this land and said, “I need this land to be developed, I need technology, agriculture, education and so on. I can’t do it on my own. I think I will use the JNF to get this work done”.

“The words of the Nevi’im (Prophets), such as, “Israel will be flourishing again”, “We will have people getting married in the streets of Jerusalem”, are coming true today. In my opinion, a lot of it has to do with the work of JNF,” concluded Debbie Posner.

Since 2018, Morah Posner has invited all her students to give $2 per term towards the Blue Box Project. Each term, she changes the money into 10 cent coins. It is now the norm for students to enter Morah Posner’s classroom and deposit 10 cents into the JNF Blue Box before taking their seats.

At the Blue Box handover, Nikki Leib said, “As you know, every year I come to your classroom to receive Morah Posner’s Blue Box Project donations. I want you all to know firstly, how truly blessed you are to have been educated in Torah by Morah Posner throughout primary school”. This comment was followed by an enthusiastic applause from the Year 6 students.

Nikki went on to say, “You should all feel extremely proud that you and your families have made an impact in Israel through your Blue Box donations, especially this year when the funds will be directed to the families who had to leave their communities on Israel’s Southern border. Your donation will go towards helping them get through this difficult time. Kol Ha’kavod. Thank you for supporting JNF throughout primary school. We wish you all the best in high school and beyond”.

Morah Posner has a JNF wall set-up in her classroom with all the JNF memorabilia she has collected over the years. JNF thanks her and her students for their support and looks forward to sending a delegation of Carmel educators to Israel in the near future. May Israel be at peace soon.