Harris Post - Term 1, Week 10
It was good to welcome back Mr Shadgett and Ms Birch this week, after they travelled to Sydney to represent the School at the AHISA Leading, Learning, Caring conference. They have returned with new ideas and learning, which I am thoroughly looking forward to hearing. I was particularly interested to hear up to date thoughts on AI and how artificial intelligence is being discussed in educational circles and the emphasis on the idea of personal capacity building.
We also welcomed new staff member Mr Glen Williams onto the campus, this week. He doesn’t start his role as Head of English until mid-Term 2, but he gave up a week of his holidays to join us as a relief teacher and it was a great opportunity to introduce him to some of his new colleagues and students. If his performance at the staff vs students volleyball match during Wednesday mentor was anything to go by, he will be an excellent addition to Carmel School! We will circulate more details about Mr Williams shortly.
Lots of work took place on both campuses while teachers and students enjoyed a break last week, including the ‘wrapping’ of the pillars outside Kadima and in the Primary School playground, to reflect our emphasis on the Carmel School values and pillars. It was lovely to hear the conversations from primary students talking to teachers about the meaning of some of the words and why they thought them important. If you’d like to remind yourself of our values and pillars, you can read more about them here. I should explain to new parents that we developed these after a significant year of consultation with students, teachers, parents, community members and alumni; we take every opportunity to focus on these as they reflect what is important to us as a school.
One of the liveliest parts of this week involved Rabbi White again showcasing his cooking skills as groups of primary students teamed up for the annual Matzah Bake – the event was enjoyed by all concerned.
I’d like to highlight two events for your enjoyment before the end of term – most of you have already bought your tickets for the swiftly-selling drama production which goes on stage from Sunday to Tuesday this week, but if you haven’t yet got round to it, you can do so here. Suitable for all ages, ‘Ways to screw up your college interview’ promises to be a fabulous event in the Carmel Academy of Performing Arts (CAPA) calendar.
The other event which you really don’t want to miss out on is the parent presentation by Glen Gerryn – invited back to talk about parenting because he was so well-received last year. You can book your ticket to hear Glen speak on Monday 15th April at the end of the school day, before he flies back home. I look forward to seeing you there.
Julie Harris
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123 Cresswell Road
Dianella, Western Australia 6059
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+61 8 9276 1900
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+61 8 9276 1644
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