Beyond the Classroom

We believe active participation leads to a greater sense of personal fulfilment. A richly satisfying school experience depends not only on academic endeavour and achievement but also on an involvement in a varied and stimulating co-curricular program offered at all levels. All Carmel School students are exposed to an enriching spectrum of co-curricular events and activities throughout their schooling.
Primary School students have access to a range of clubs that run after school and during breaks, and these cover interests as diverse as chess, robotics, choir, gardening, yoga, craft, dancing, gymnastics, theatre, art and jump jam.
Primary School students can also get involved in performances and participate in competitions that include other independent schools and the specialist art and music teachers in the High School also run classes and programs for our Primary School students.
In the High School the range of activities continues. Students can participate in creative writing competitions, art and craft exhibitions and competitions, interschool quizzes, cartooning, science and mathematics quests, debating, mock trials, chess, book clubs and the biennial School musical. Interschool competitions in these areas are regular features of Carmel School life and competition is vigorous and fierce. Teams from both the Primary and High School have distinguished themselves in a variety of Western Australian and Australian debates, mock trials, science and math competitions over many years. Our students are articulate, eloquent and highly confident communicators whose regular successes have been widely acknowledged statewide.
The School utilises fine sporting facilities, including playing fields and tennis, netball and basketball courts. Sporting activities are a feature of the curriculum from Kindergarten through to Year 12. The Primary School competes regularly against other schools. Inter-house swimming and athletics carnivals are held in both Primary and High Schools and High School students also have the opportunity to participate in inter-school sport.
The highlight of our co-curricular calendar is the annual trip to Israel for Year 10 students; Shorashim. This three-week trip, which is highly subsidised by the school, encourages students to connect with their spiritual and cultural homeland. Shorashim is life-changing for many of the students and allows them to experience, first hand, lessons learnt back in the classroom, providing depth to both their studies and personal development.
The Outdoor Education / Lifeskills Unit is also a special feature of Carmel School. Camps are held for students in Years 9 to 12 in which students engage in challenging outdoor activities as well as problem-solving and team-building activities, day and night caving explorations, first-aid instruction and other exciting activities.
Our camps are planned to meet the needs of various year groups. Specifically, students in Year 7 complete a Barmitzvah and Batmitzvah retreat. This coming of age sees students reflect on their life journey to date, set goals for the future and engage with the family heritage, past and present. Students in Year 8 complete a section of the Cape to Cape walk in the Margaret River region. This expedition involves hiking, abseiling, bush tucker experience, kayaking, caving, camping and self-catering. Students in Year 9 complete a Rottnest camp. This experience includes, cycling, diving, surfing, historical tours, a great race around the island, night diving, movie evening and a stay in the old army barracks.
In their Physical Education Studies, students participate in a wide range of outdoor activities including cycling, snorkelling, squash, coaching, surfing, archery, water polo and more. The practical sessions are combined with theory units which enhance student understanding of anatomy, physiology, psychology, biomechanics and motor learning which combine to enhance performance in sporting pursuits.
As with many schools, Carmel offers a range of leadership opportunities to outstanding, well-rounded students. The Student Representative Council, the Tefillah Committee, Peer Support Leadership Group and House Captains are all examples of excellent opportunities for student leadership and initiative. Election to positions of leadership is through nomination and voting by peers, moderated by senior staff. Senior Primary students are also trained in peer mediation and support as a part of their leadership development.
Book a Tour
The best way to get to know us is to visit. Book a tour of our school today.
Carmel School
123 Cresswell Road
Dianella, Western Australia 6059
Telephone (Primary School Campus)
+61 8 9276 1900
Telephone (High School Campus)
+61 8 9276 1644
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